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Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Marshall Chapman, live in Louisville.
Marshall Chapman and I go back a ways. Our encounters have been few but fun, certainly for me and I hope for her. She gives great hug. So I've awaited eagerly a video of her in performance that I could share with, as Marshall would say, y'all. Now, through Facebook, she's provided me with the YouTube clip above, which shows her onstage with Tim Krekel at an event called Bobbie Watson's Dance or Die, at the Vernon Club in Louisville last Saturday.
This is a long clip that begins at a mild roar, but builds steadily in tempo and intensity. As Marshall says, "View to end or you'll miss some ass-shaking, kissing, and even a little poetry reading!" And, I'll add, how many rock songs feature a hot trombone solo?
P.S. Be sure to check out Marshall's website, and her articles in Garden & Gun magazine, of which she's a contributing editor.
Sad addendum: Less than a month after this event, Tim Krekel died.
It was fun to come upon this blog with the video of Tim and Marshall. I was at Dance or Die, and can fill in a few details. The song "I Love Everybody" was co-written by Marshall and Tim. Much of the emotion onstage and in the crowd is because this was Tim's first appearance with his band since he's been recovering from major surgery. If you search for "Tim Krekel" on youtube you'll find many videos, several featuring "hot trombone solos". Marshall's fans may especially enjoy the videos with Tommy Womack, Tim and Marshall "in the round". They have great chemistry together. The "krekkies" in Louisville always love it when Marshall comes to town!