Last weekend we took Liz to Maine to start three weeks of camp at
Kingsley Pines (I'm giving them free advertisng because I think it's an excellent camp run by great people), and stayed with Lori, my wife's step-cousin once removed, in Cape Elizabeth, near Portland. Our first evening there, we had dinner
al fresco in the park surrounding
Portland Head Light. The park commands sweeping views of Portland Inlet and the southern reach of Casco Bay, with its many islands.
Soon after we arrived, I looked westward and saw two large sailing vessels, a two-masted schooner and a sloop, between the breakwaters at the entrance to Portland Harbor.

A short while later, a cargo ship came out of the harbor, heading for sea.

The ship proved to be
Jutta, a typical small tramp freighter, capable of carrying containers or dry bulk cargo.

Lori told me Portland Head is the most photographed lighthouse in the U.S., but that didn't deter me from snapping it once again.

As I went back up the hill, the sun was obscured by a cloud, softly backlighting the flag.