Friday, May 23, 2008

Quote of the day.

Barack Obama has become the Prince Caspian of the iPhone hordes.

--David Brooks, "The Alpha Geeks", New York Times, May 23, 2008.

In the same column, Brooks writes:
[E]ven as “Revenge of the Nerds” was gracing the nation’s movie screens, a different version of nerd-dom was percolating through popular culture. Elvis Costello and The Talking Heads’s David Byrne popularized a cool geek style that’s led to Moby, Weezer, Vampire Weekend and even self-styled “nerdcore” rock and geeksta rappers.
Soon, I'll be doing a post about a band made up of NYU faculty memebers. Can't get much geekier than that. Meanwhile, I've got to check out this "geeksta rap." Anybody have any suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. Soon, I'll be doing a post about a band made up of NYU faculty members

    I once thought about putting a band together. It would be entirely made up of Math professors dressed as lumberjacks, and it's name was going to be "The Logger-Rhythms".

    Never got off the ground, though...fortunately.
