Sunday, July 24, 2011

Remembering George Kimball

Muhammad Ali and George Kimball (
George Kimball, sports writer extraordinaire, died on July 7. I got this sad news quickly via the Lion's Head grapevine established by Dermot McEvoy. I didn't post anything immediately, as I had for other Lion's Head companions. I remember meeting George, and having some conversations with him, but I have no specific memories of anything he said. This is to my detriment, not his. It may just be that they occurred late enough in the evening (or should I say in the morning?) that alcohol, the universal memory solvent, had its way with them.

So I was glad to find (again, thanks to Dermot) that my friend Larry Kirwan has written a eulogy for George in the Irish Echo. The money line: "To George, sports was life at hyper-speed, the way he often lived it." Like Larry, I wish I had spent more time with him.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Claude for honoring George Kimball. Unless I've missed it, you've done more than The New York Times has done to pay tribute to him. One would think New York's Gray Lady might have something to say about the passing of one of our town's great sportswriters.
